Baptism Schedule
Baptisms are usually held on Sundays after the last Mass.
Baptism Preparation
Preparation program for parents is required before having your child baptized. Please call the Parish Office at 630-665-2250 to register for this class and to schedule your child’s Baptism.
When choosing godparents, please keep in mind the Code of Canon law requires that godparents must be practicing Catholics who have received the sacraments of Baptism, the Eucharist, and Confirmation and are at least 16 years of age. You may choose both a godmother and godfather or just one godparent.
School-age children and adults seeking Baptism should contact the Pastor, Fr. Dan Hoehn at 630-665-2250
"The rediscovery of the value of one's baptism is the basis of the missionary commitment of every Christian, because we see in the Gospel that he who lets himself be fascinated by Christ cannot do without witnessing the joy of following in his footsteps… we understand even more that, in virtue of baptism, we have an inherent missionary vocation."
- Pope Benedict XVI