Art & Environment Ministry
Responsible for the “atmosphere,” “mood” and “climate” of liturgical celebrations. A variety of talents needed. Imagination, creativity, design, sewing, painting, crafts, floral arranging, and manpower all are welcome.
Contact: Mavis Langan, 630-400-2544
Bereavement Ministry & Funeral Planning Team
Assists families in the days immediately following a loved one’s death by providing general pastoral care and helping the family plan the funeral liturgy.
Contact: Cathy Swanson, 630-220-9326
Eucharistic Adoration
Volunteers are needed as weekly adorers, substitutes, and coordinators for our perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel! Of course, even though you commit to an hour, understandably things come up, and so it is merely a matter of finding a substitute when you are not able to be present for your time slot. Please don’t let the possibility of an occasional conflict prevent you from signing up.
Contact: Janet Piszyk, 630-656-4234
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Help the priest and deacon to distribute the Body and Blood of Jesus with reverence and dignity. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old and are always welcome!
Contact: Cathy Swanson, 630-220-9326 or Maribeth Spittler, 630-220-0939
Laundering of Church Linens
Launder albs, small linens such as purificators, corporals, etc.
Contact: Cathy Swanson
Mass Coordinators
Our Mass Coordinators work behind the scenes preparing our sacred vessels, checking that we have all the necessary volunteers prior to Mass, and preparing all other items for Mass. Training is given as needed.
Contact: Maribeth Spittler, 630-220-0939
Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers)
Our ushers faithfully greet parishioners as they arrive, guide people to their seats, pass out worship aids and bulletins, assist with the offertory collections, guide the lines for Communion, and other responsibilities. We offer ongoing personal training, and all ages are welcome!
Contact: The Parish Office, 630-665-2250
Ministers of the Word (Lectors)
This ministry is open to those interested in proclaiming the Word of God at liturgies and days of celebration. The lector presents the great eternal message proclaimed in Scripture. We offer ongoing personal training. New volunteers are always welcome!
Contact: Doug Weglarz, 630-871-8691
Music Ministry
Beautiful music lifts the mind towards God during the liturgy. Whether you are an adult, student, singer, or musician, consider lending your talents to enhance our music ministry. CLICK HERE for more information!
Wedding Hostesses
Our wedding hostesses assist the bridal party on the day of the wedding and assist with the rehearsal on the evening before the wedding. Schedules for your time are flexible and are set several months in advance. Our busy season is usually from April till October.
Contact: Maribeth Spittler, 630-220-0939